Sacrifice: what does this mean to you? In today’s first reading Abraham was asked to sacrifice his very son, Isaac. And his faith showed forth as he was willing to do so, no matter how difficult it was.

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice as He gave His life on the cross for you and me. So now, how difficult are those sacrifices we take on during our Lenten journey? Is giving up that extra meal, or a particular food as difficult as what Abraham was asked to do? Is attending an extra Mass, offering a few more prayers, doing some good deeds, or being a bit more generous with our time, talent or treasure more difficult than Jesus being scourged and sacrificing His life for us?

Since there are no comparisons here, maybe we can use the willingness of Abraham and the sacrifice of Jesus as the strength and incentive we need to fulfill our Lenten sacrifices. Look to the scriptures for more examples of faith to give us what we need to persevere in faith.